
金曜日, 8月 17, 2007

blockbuster 2: deal?


無料DVDならず ><! でしたが、文面によると後日新作が借りられるクーポンを届けてくれるらしい。おおざっぱな性格のせいか、翌日にはあの怒りも何処へやらでしたし、これにて一見落着♪

August 17/07 inao, thank you for your email with your account information. I apologize that you were not able to watch your movies. I have taken the liberty of sending you out a coupon for a new release or game rental, this will arrive within the next 10-15 business days. If you need to contact us please reference case number,______.

If you have any additional concerns, you may contact the BLOCKBUSTER Customer Care center at 1-800-______, 7:00AM –7:00PM Central, Monday through Saturday to speak directly with a representative, or by e-mail at
BlockbusterRewards@blockbuster.qrs1.net. Sincerely, Bettina BLOCKBUSTER Rewards

Customer Care

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