月曜日, 6月 15, 2009
日曜日, 6月 14, 2009
when puzzling over the stats
1.「早稲田大学人間科学部 向後千春研究室」:http//kogolab.jp/elearn/hamburger/
3. 分散「高校生が学ぶ統計講座」http://www.stat.go.jp/howto/lecture4/03.htm
1.「早稲田大学人間科学部 向後千春研究室」:http//kogolab.jp/elearn/hamburger/
3. 分散「高校生が学ぶ統計講座」http://www.stat.go.jp/howto/lecture4/03.htm
金曜日, 6月 05, 2009
smoking survey アンケートに回答お願いします
統計学のクラスで「タバコ吸われる方」のアンケートが必要です。週末中〜月曜朝までに回答出来ましたらどうかご協力御願いします。該当のない質問はとばして下さって結構です。宛先は:naoko1@hotmail.com までお願いします。
This survey is anonymous. Please fill out this questionnaire to help us gain information on demographics of tobacco use.
1. Where do you live?
___ Manhattan ___ Brooklyn ___ Queens
___ Bronx ___ Staten Island ___ Outside of the 5 Borough
2. What is your ethnicity/race? ___ Native American ___ Caucasian
___ African-American ___ Hispanic
___ Asian/Pacific Islander ___ East Indian
___ Middle Eastern ___ Rather not say
3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
___ Less than High School
___ High School /GED
___ Some College
___ 2-year College Degree (Associate) or Technical Training
___ 4-year Completed Degree (Bachelors)
___ Grad school or higher
4. Do you consider yourself a habitual or social smoker?
A. Habitual B. Social
5. Do you feel that drinking alcohol increases your likelihood to smoke a cigarette?
A. Yes B. No
6. Do you feel that a stressful situation increases your likelihood to smoke a cigarette?
A. Yes B. No
7. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke in one day?
A. 1 or less B. 2-3 C. 4-5 D. 6 +
8. On average, how many packs of cigarettes a week do you smoke?
A. 1 or less B. 2-3 C. 4-5 D. 5 or more
9. On average, about how much money does cigarette smoking cost you per week?
___ Less than $10 a week
___ $10-20 a week
___ $30-40 a week
___ $40-50 a week
___ $50 or more a week
10. What is your gender?
A. Male B. Female
11. What is your age? (Please choose one)
___ Under 21 ___ 21 to 25 ___ 26 to 30 ___ 31 to 35 ___ 36 to 40 ___ 41 to 45 ___ 50 or older
Thank you so much for participating in our survey!
This survey is anonymous. Please fill out this questionnaire to help us gain information on demographics of tobacco use.
1. Where do you live?
___ Manhattan ___ Brooklyn ___ Queens
___ Bronx ___ Staten Island ___ Outside of the 5 Borough
2. What is your ethnicity/race? ___ Native American ___ Caucasian
___ African-American ___ Hispanic
___ Asian/Pacific Islander ___ East Indian
___ Middle Eastern ___ Rather not say
3. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
___ Less than High School
___ High School /GED
___ Some College
___ 2-year College Degree (Associate) or Technical Training
___ 4-year Completed Degree (Bachelors)
___ Grad school or higher
4. Do you consider yourself a habitual or social smoker?
A. Habitual B. Social
5. Do you feel that drinking alcohol increases your likelihood to smoke a cigarette?
A. Yes B. No
6. Do you feel that a stressful situation increases your likelihood to smoke a cigarette?
A. Yes B. No
7. On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke in one day?
A. 1 or less B. 2-3 C. 4-5 D. 6 +
8. On average, how many packs of cigarettes a week do you smoke?
A. 1 or less B. 2-3 C. 4-5 D. 5 or more
9. On average, about how much money does cigarette smoking cost you per week?
___ Less than $10 a week
___ $10-20 a week
___ $30-40 a week
___ $40-50 a week
___ $50 or more a week
10. What is your gender?
A. Male B. Female
11. What is your age? (Please choose one)
___ Under 21 ___ 21 to 25 ___ 26 to 30 ___ 31 to 35 ___ 36 to 40 ___ 41 to 45 ___ 50 or older
Thank you so much for participating in our survey!
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